Please find a seat and our cast will begin shortly. Keep all listening devices on at all times. YumChunks is not responsible for any injury, psychological damage, or drownings sustained during our After the Credits tour. On the lefthand side of the cast you'll hear about the Black Mesa Half-Life remake. Careful though, it's prone to decay. Coming up on the right, we have recounts of The Beauty and The Beast live musical. Legends say it's a tale as old as time. Oh, we just passed talk of the Great Ace Attorney video games. It's a good thing though, it has a habit of objecting to our tour. And straight ahead of us, the jewel of the cast, the film adaptation of the Disney theme park attraction, The Jungle Cruise. Does it capture the silly humor and vibe of the park ride and still tell a fun charming adventure story? Luckily for you, you're stuck on this tour for another hour and forty minutes and are about to find out. There will be listener emails at the end of the cast, so hold all questions forever, and don't be afraid to tip your Chunkguides. They will bite.
YumChunks! Aah-Aah, Saviors of the universe! After the Credits has to go back into the past. Go back and save the world. But entering...
What a beautiful night for a game. And YumChunks wants to play with you. With one man short in this episode of After the...
Gather round ye nerds! It's the biggest pop culture event of the year! And YumChunks was in San Diego for all the geek glory....