The YumChunks corporation presents the most advanced podcast listening algorithm available. Using space age data collection and optimization, we have been able to pinpoint the exact podcast to fit your entertainment needs: After the Credits. We've tracked all of your personal metadata to determine highly curated topics like: the Yesterday's Enterprise episode of Star Trek TNG, repeatedly revisiting our Loki episode, the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics, and why Sonic must remain in 2D. But our ability to really understand the needs of our audience is on full display when we have a meandering, schizophrenic, angry conversation about Space Jam: A New Legacy that includes lengthy tangents into the facets of hero worship, the nature of acceptable quality in art, and pointless nostalgia obession. In maybe our longest episode yet, we get loose and looney and... on second thought, you should probably just avoid this episode altogether. As a cutting edge algorithm, we can't recommend it. If you insist on listening, please send complaints to [email protected]. Don't say we didn't warn ya!
Night gathers, and now our cast begins. It shall not end until we stop talking. We shall take no breaks, hold all calls, post...
Podcast X, AKA The Chunk Squad, reviled and cast away, utterly expendable, the YumChunks. Assembled to pull off a job no one else can....
They hide in our mirrors and shadows. They crawl up from beneath. They wait for their moment in the light. But there is no...