Dark visions of gangly wretched creatures pirouette in distorted dances before us. What horrors delivered as we sit unbound by physical restraints, but held prisoner by our eyes as they are unable to be drawn away from the grotesque humunculi. The last diminished cries of our sanity echo in the chambers of darkness that once were occupied with our now dead humanity. **CATS**! For some reason YumChunks went and saw this film. And on this episode of After the Credits, you better believe they're gonna talk about it. After a brief final Chunkfire stores of 2019, including some recent HBO faves, the recent Witcher Netflix show, and a long-awaited update on metal detecting, the crew attempt to make some sort of sense that is the cinematic insanity of **Cats**. What is this movie? How did this movie? WHY did this movie? Take this faustian journey with us as we close out 2019. It's our 50th episode! Happy MEOWnniversary! And Happy New Year! Thanks for listening in 2019 and we’re excited for more casting in 2020! And don’t forget to fill out the survey and vote for your favorites to be featured in our year end round up, the Chunky awards! [https://forms.gle/U3nZ1DiPBpmyLYKk7](http://) * Chunkfire Stories - 02:50 * **Cats** Summary - 11:50 * **Cats** Discussion - 15:55
We are the Avatars of an ancient power. It lives inside us, and awakens to podcast against evil. But the power of YumChunks is...
In a world of endless podcasts, where every super crew seems to have their own show, when will YumChunks finally get the recognition it...
We made it to 100! Can you believe it?! Cause we can't! In this very special episode of After the Credits, the boys spill...