The fans demanded it. The world heard you. Justice is restored. The full. Uncut. Unedited audio from our greatest episode ever, as it was meant to be listened to. All the insight, analysis, commentary in its full glory. Untampered with. These gods of podcasting as they were intended. This is serious and artistic because it's in black and white now. Every true Chunkfire story, every hyperserious detail- the heavy tone, the way it*rolls* over you. The YumChunksverse is restored. After the Credits is Gray.
Listen to this stuff, isn't it neat?Wouldn't you think our cast is complete?Wouldn't you think we're the chunksThe chunks who have everything? We've got...
Night gathers, and now our cast begins. It shall not end until we stop talking. We shall take no breaks, hold all calls, post...
When there's something strange, in the neighborhood, who you gonna listen to? YumChunks! The guys strap on their proton cast, and get to bustin',...