It is here. All casting life as we know it will be wiped out. The Chunkboxes are united. Nothing can withstand the power of a toxic hashtag mob. But After the Credits fights the good fight and does their best to tackle this Darkseid cultural abomination. The Chunkfire burns bright with Sean's flashy movie recommendations, Ryan's cybernetic movies to avoid, Matt's wonderful Mario updates, and Chris's superbaby training tips. And despite every fiber of our beings fighting it, we eventually get around to discussing the cinematic anti-life equation of film discourse, marketing, production, and development- **Zack Snyder's Justice League**. Triumph or tragedy? Did we like it? Was it good? Was it better than the theatrical cut? Was all of this worth it? How do we live with ourselves? Does Chris succeed at bludgeoning the rest of the YumChunks to death with his fanboyism? Unsatisfying answers to all of these questions and more are waiting in one of our longest episodes yet! And if you don't like it- just demand another version! And stay tuned for the special YumChunks is Gray edition of this episode coming soon. The "fans" demanded it! #releasetheentitledcut #erasethesnydercut #prayforsteppenwolf * PART I: Chunkfire Stories - 02:57 * PART II: **Zack Snyder's Justice League** summary - 31:54 * PART III: **Zack Snyder's Justice League** Discussion - 36:03
We got our chili dogs, we got our power sneakers, we've been rolling around at the speed of sound... YumChunks is ready! But wait,...
When there's something strange, in the neighborhood, who you gonna listen to? YumChunks! The guys strap on their proton cast, and get to bustin',...
Two After the Credits episodes in one day?! That's right, boys and girls. When the world needs them, YumChunks is there- this time to...