Episode #56 - Sean Goes to Hollywood

Episode 6 August 29, 2020 01:57:41
Episode #56 - Sean Goes to Hollywood
After the Credits
Episode #56 - Sean Goes to Hollywood

Aug 29 2020 | 01:57:41


Show Notes

We're still here! It's been a minute, but the YumChunks are back from a long hiatus as 2020 throws everything it can at us. Ryan, Matt, and Sean catch you up to speed with all their exciting summer adventures: new jobs and condos, Simpsons binge watching, Paper Mario, working from home, board game development, apparently Chris had a baby, and so much more! And with COVID preventing many of the big movies from releasing this summer, Sean figured he'd take matters into his own hands and MAKE a movie! So listen in as Sean talks about the trials and tribulations of shooting an indie film in rural Arkansas during a pandemic. If you were ever curious about the filmmaking process, and wanted a firsthand account from someone who had no idea what he was doing, this is the After the Credits episode for you! Lights, Camera, Acti- Hold for train! * Chunkfire Stories - 2:07 * Sean Goes to Hollywood - 28:55

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