Everybody chill! The YumChunks crew is here to kick some ice. And now that Matt is back, they can discuss the new Sonic trailer EVEN MORE, as well as mention some of their Disney+ viewing choices, engage in mild Star Wars prequel bashing, and recount a harrowing tale of water spirits flooding Matt's apartment. All before they dive face first into a lengthy discussion of Disney's sequel to the animated juggernaut **Frozen**, **Frozen 2**. Will they be able to figure out what happens in this children's movie? Or why? Not likely. But they'll certainly have a frigid blast trying. Cause everything freezes, but the cold never bothered them anyway. * Chunkfire Stories - 01:19 * **Frozen 2** Summary - 31:56 * **Frozen 2** Discussion - 34:39
In the beginning, the Prime Chunk brought light unto the world. And it thrived. All was in balance. But the Deviant casts emerged. Agents...
YumChunks! Aah-Aah, Saviors of the universe! After the Credits has to go back into the past. Go back and save the world. But entering...
Two episodes in one night?! It's a podcasting miracle! If you couldn't tell by our last episode, we tried to cram too much content...