Episode #35 - Game of Thrones Season 8

Episode 9 May 22, 2019 02:31:28
Episode #35 - Game of Thrones Season 8
After the Credits
Episode #35 - Game of Thrones Season 8

May 22 2019 | 02:31:28


Show Notes

Night gathers, and now our cast begins. It shall not end until we stop talking. We shall take no breaks, hold all calls, post no stories. We shall never be trending and win very few followers. We shall live and die at our mics. We are the voice in the darkness. We are the Chunks that cast to the realms of men. We pledge our voices to After the Credits, for this cast and all casts to come. -The YumChunks Oath It's the end of a television era. An age. An epoch. And we're to here to talk about all the details, however disappointing they may or may not be. The guys embark on a journey from Star Trek Discovery, to YouTube videos about Final Fantasy VII localization, before delving into the epic feat of debating the values, shortcomings, achievements, and quality of the eighth and final season of HBO's monumental television fantasy saga, **Game of Thrones**. Does it go out in Fire and Blood or get pushed out the moon door? We weigh in on everything Season 8 and more in our longest episode yet- over 2 full hours! It's enough to satisfy a Dornish prince! And now our cast has ended... But don't worry, there'll be more epsiodes soon!

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