All right, let's do this one last time. Our name is YumChunks. We had a show about Legend of Korra and for years we've been the one and only After the Credits. We're pretty sure you know the rest. We talked about a bunch of movies, fell in love, talked about TV, and then talked about movies some more... and more and more and more.
Look, we're a podcast. We talk about Zelda cooking. We talk about Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, and Blackberry, and Fool's Paradise. We give you the Coachella 2023 rundown. We have an excellent theme song. So-so hosts. I mean, we've sounded worse. But after everything, we still love talking about Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Who wouldn't? So no matter how many hits we take, we always find a way to come back. There's only one YumChunks. And you're listening to them.
The dog days of summer are here, and YumChunks are back from a lengthy hiatus. The boys have plenty to talk about around the...
You've gathered with your party around the Chunkfire to set off on an adventure. But which quest will you embark on? There are choices...
Dear Listeners, If our calculations are correct, you will be listening to this episode of After the Credits immediately after you saw it show...