Dear Listeners,
If our calculations are correct, you will be listening to this episode of After the Credits immediately after you saw it show up in your feed. First, let us assure you that Chewie is alive and well. He's been touring Ireland, London, and Paris happily these past four weeks. He has been perfectly happy living in the fresh air and wide-open spaces. The luggage that he lost was recovered in London. However the amount of Nando Chicken involved has overloaded the casting circuits, and sent him and Ryan to London's West End. Unfortunately, Sean didn't make it.
We are perfectly happy here, discussing the Back to the Future: The Musical. We feared that changes to the film only risked further disruption of the source material. And we take care to talk about the original musical numbers and the songs from the film. We know that you will want to hear how the actors portray your favorites like Doc, Marty, George, and Biff. And we remember to go into detail about the amazing technical feets the production achives.
But we fear that this podcast only risks further disruption of the space-time continuum, so remember, after you listen, destroy this podcast! These are our wishes; please respect them and follow them.
And so Listeners, we now say farewell and wish you Godspeed. You've been good, kind, and loyal listeners, and you've made a real difference in our lives. We will always treasure our relationship and think on you with fond memories, warm feelings, and a special place in our hearts.
- Your friends in casting,
August 15, 2022
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